Thursday, October 20, 2011


Dear Families,
We are planning a couple raffles for the upcoming Halloween carnival Monday, October 31st. We will have a gift basket, some other prize donations and baked goods for raffle. Please let me know if I can count on you to provide a baked good for our class. I am also interested in selling Halloween cupcakes at the carnival and/or Halloween goodie bags to raise money for our class. If you are interested in getting involved please call me at 510-542-7533, leave a message as I do not get cell service in Leggett.
Our field trip has changed to an overnight. We will still leave for the Exploratorium on November 2nd at 6:00am and we will be staying overnight in Albany, CA and going to the Oakland Zoo on November 3rd with a return time of approximately 5pm.
Torrey and Briann will be chaperones on this trip. Any questions please call me, a new permission slip will be sent home soon.
• We would love 7 more shoe boxes for various activities.
• We use up glue sticks very quickly.
• We also need colored pencils and card stock (thick paper).
Thank you!

P.S. We also have a new 2nd grader named Xander in our class. Please welcome him and his family, Melissa his mother and Iris his baby sister. We are very excited to have him!

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Stern,

    Please provide the PawPrint Staff with photos of Halloween and field trip for upcoming issue and yearbook. Hard copy or email.

    Thank you.

    PP Staff
